I have lots of favourite things, as you will soon be able to tell with this regular post. My favourite things can range from products I love, books I’ve read, tools for work to concepts and organisational techniques. Basically anything that piques my interest! So, here are a few of my favourite things.

SLAM stands for School-age Language Assessment Measures, and is a free tool that helps you evaluate language samples from school-age children. Created by The Leaders Project at Columbia University, these free cards are good for dynamic assessment as well as therapy.
2: YouTube Videos
Not all of them, of course! But videos from design schools such as Ringling, or Disney Shorts, are short, high quality clips that often have clean narrative through-lines, and are fun for kids to engage with. They’re great for narrative comprehension, retells, sequencing, and critical thinking skills. Just make sure to watch the videos the whole way through before your session, to make sure it has appropriate themes for your client.
3: K-drama
I love K-dramas and will probably recommend a lot of them in the future too. There’s something about the way they are created and presented that I find quite comforting and engaging. Hospital Playlist is a drama/romance/comedy about five friends who are all doctors working at the same hospital. So if you like a good medical show with a strong dash of romance and a fun, quirky style then this is for you.
4: Bullet Journaling
If you’re like me and like to plan, a bullet journal is a next-level style of planning and staying on top of your tasks. Rather than keeping a daily log of thoughts and experiences, a bullet journal contains specific sections that you create to track goals, to-do lists, mental health, keep calendars and notes. It took me a few tries to really get the hang of it, but I am loving it now. I have individualised my system to work for me - here’s a sneak peek at one of my pages.

Those are my favourite things for this month! Comment below if you have any experience or feedback on these, or would like to share a few of your favourite things.